Interface AsyncMessage

May be received after creating a consumer with Channel.basicConsume

interface AsyncMessage {
    appId?: string;
    body: any;
    clusterId?: string;
    consumerTag: string;
    contentEncoding?: string;
    contentType?: string;
    correlationId?: string;
    deliveryTag: number;
    durable?: boolean;
    exchange: string;
    expiration?: string;
    headers?: {
        BCC?: string[];
        CC?: string[];
        [k: string]: any;
    messageId?: string;
    priority?: number;
    redelivered: boolean;
    replyTo?: string;
    routingKey: string;
    timestamp?: number;
    type?: string;
    userId?: string;



appId?: string

Creating application id.

body: any
clusterId?: string
consumerTag: string

Identifier for the consumer, valid within the current channel.

contentEncoding?: string

MIME content encoding. e.g. "gzip"

contentType?: string

MIME content type. e.g. "application/json"

correlationId?: string

Application correlation identifier.

deliveryTag: number

The server-assigned and channel-specific delivery tag

durable?: boolean

Alias for "deliveryMode". Published message should be saved to disk and should survive server restarts.

exchange: string

Specifies the name of the exchange that the message was originally published to. May be empty, indicating the default exchange.

expiration?: string

Message TTL, in milliseconds. Note that only when expired messages reach the head of a queue will they actually be discarded (or dead-lettered). Setting the TTL to 0 causes messages to be expired upon reaching a queue unless they can be delivered to a consumer immediately.

headers?: {
    BCC?: string[];
    CC?: string[];
    [k: string]: any;

Additional user-defined fields

Type declaration

messageId?: string

Application message identifier.

priority?: number

Message priority, 0 to 9.

redelivered: boolean

True if the message has been previously delivered to this or another client.

replyTo?: string
routingKey: string

The routing key name specified when the message was published.

timestamp?: number

Message timestamp in seconds.

type?: string

Message type name.

userId?: string

Creating user id.

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